This ad shows a 1980 Volvo 240 GLT, with the gorgeous 5-spoke Virgo rims, cruising up a mountain road.

The text of this ad states:
At Last an Irrational Reason to Buy a Volvo
Over the years, Volvo has come to be known as one of the most sensible cars you can own.
So, sadly, people who pick their cars for more emotional reasons may have denied themselves the satisfaction of driving one.
But now there’s a Volvo even for those to whom practicality takes second place.
The new Volvo GLT.
Its striking appear-ance is the first hint that the GLT is quite unlike its predecessors. But the proof’s behind the small-diameter GT wheel.
A new four cylinder, fuel-injected overhead cam engine is standard equipment in our GLT, providing a level of acceleration and quick¬ness that many six cylinder engines have trouble matching.
And its handling offers a feature even harder to find: predict-ability. The GLT is designed to react the same in panic situations as it does in normal driving. So it not only presents the driver with no surprises, it can actually improve his performance.
Every GLT also comes fully-equipped with Volvo’s more traditional virtues. Like an interior capable of comfortably accom-modating five full-size adults. Orthopedically contoured seats. And the superb engineering that’s responsible for Volvo’s famed life-expectancy: In Sweden, by latest count, an average 18.7 years.
Before you purchase a performance car, test-drive the new Volvo GLT.
The pure exhilara-tion you’ll feel may have little to do with logic. But if your heart insists on a GLT, relax.
Your mind will be getting a Volvo.
A car you can believe in.