On any given day I access Craigslist from a few different computers. It would be nice to be able to bookmark a posting on Craigslist without having to remember what category and search parameters I used to find it or going back to the machine I was using at that time. This would save me from having to continuously email links to myself and/or browsing to some 3rd party site to save a link.

The folks at Craigslist should come up with a feature that gives a user the ability to log into their account and then bookmark postings. As items are removed from Craigslist, the bookmarks could change status to show that the item is no longer available.

This Craigslist bookmarking feature would be one of those things that would work quite well as long as they didn’t overprice it. I would be quite comfortable paying a couple of bucks a month for this feature and as an added bonus, I would be supporting Craigslist in the process.

Craiglist & Bookmarks
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